The Prestige (novel)
Reading kaywin's post was so enticing till i quickly rushed to Uncle Ho's branch in SS2 to get a copy *though kaywin is kind enough to lend me*. Unfortunately, it appears to me the movie is not exactly following the novel. Here are several differences (extracted from the always dependable Wikipedia but may be in the verge of closing down)
1. Both Bordens did not die in the end.
2. Both Borden and Angier did not physically injured each other due to sabotaging the performances.
3. In the novel Borden interrupts Angier's act by turning off the teleportation machine, but in the movie he interferes with the act without turning it off.
4. In the novel, Angier survives the events that have unfolded, but in the film he appears to perish many times.
many more here.
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