Friday, November 17, 2006

Places to eat in KL

My first post, but not a very interesting one. I am planning dinner for quite a big group of people (10-15) and can't decide where to go. Anyone has any suggestion?

Place must be:

  • Posh cos some gweilos coming also
  • Expensive (but not overly so lah)
  • Characteristic (not keen on hotels, but can also lah if nothing else)
  • Good food and hearty meals
Someone suggested Telawi Street Bistro, which is a pretty good one really since it's not a very hotel-y place. I wonder if there are other places like that around KL/PJ?

1 comment:

jasonho said...

"Telawi" reminds me of One Bangsar, a newly established gourmet paradise consisting of a row of posh restaurants.

Information on the web are scattered around. Here is one of them.