Friday, November 24, 2006

WTF !!

Our latest innovation of roti tissue/canai.

*I am more proud of this than asking our malaysian astronuts astronauts make teh tarik in space*

1 comment:

MasterMind said...

Hmm.. quite creative also ah these mamak nowadays.

And, I read in the newspaper a comment about our space program and I'm quite inclined to agree with the author that they are more of space tourists rather than astronauts. It's not like we built the spacecraft or something right? I wonder what's the big deal about paying someone to fly you somewhere even if it's space.

Speaking of astronauts, do you know it's the only occupation where the names are given by the country that sent them? ie. US = astronaut, Russia = cosmonaut, China = taikonaut (sounds horrible) or yuhangyuan (sounds better, but good luck getting CNN to pronounce this). I wonder what happens when all countries can send people into space in the future?